The Simply-Balanced Health & Life Program
Is Understanding Your Health A Challenge?
Did You Know…
Your Body is Unique in Certain Ways
- Genetics plays a big role in having a healthy lifestyle. We are all slightly different genetically on the inside and out. These differences must be taken into consideration when preparing for a life change.
- Your body, in its current state, is the result of how you have taken care of it, whether it’s in good shape or bad. So the requirements to meet your goal of a healthy body are going to be different from someone else.
Take Back Control of Your Health!
Don’t be the one that gives into illnesses by believing it’s just a natural progression of getting older. Submitting to numerous medications so you can continue living the way you want to with only minor changes. Soon after the quality of life will become poor and not end well. Be the one to control your health.
We are all concerned about our health to some degree and over the course of our lives, when illnesses come; our health is thrown into our main focus. The illnesses that can surface are many, but there is something you can do about it.
We always hear, ‘You need to take better care of yourself.’ It’s often unclear on just how to take better care of ourselves. We know to eat better and exercise, but…
What does that really mean for me?
and here is the answer…
Everyone needs nutrition and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. Your diet and exercise is a must for any healthy living, but depending on your unique situation your plan of action can be different.
Simply-Balanced Health & Life
An understandable, easy to follow program that will remove the challenge from knowing how to be healthy. In the next 30 days, it’s guaranteed to…
Take the mystery out of how your body uses what you eat to maintain health.
Give you a personalized exercise program that works in 45 minutes, 3 days a week. Included are visual models of the strength training exercises and stretches and a link to the top three cardio workouts that I do. This will also lead you to many more cardio workouts, so you can switch it up from week to week.
Explain numerous conditions our bodies could face and how to treat them.
Provide you an easy to follow and organized health program, so you can apply it to your life.
Inform you about the concerns of our environment and how to take control and make your immediate surroundings healthy.
Present an understanding of social interactions and best practices.
Share with you the most important words that we can. What biblical Salvation really means!
The Simply-Balanced Health & Life Program started many years ago as an idea, but still was not fully realized until much later.
My wife started having health problems and began asking her doctor questions, researching online and probing her peers for answers to health concerns. I became involved and this consumed our time. My wife, Ruth-Ellen, gradually collected information and soon she was able to sit down and plan her journey to a healthy lifestyle. After some time, she decided to write a short tips book containing what she had learned in hopes it may help others. (This is one of the bonus books you get with this program.)
We continued our research, learning and compiling our information. Through a lot of help we were understanding functions of the body and were able to write clearly on how the different parts of our body operated. How and why nutrients made our bodies thrive and how illnesses were able to get a foothold within us.
People were amazed at what we had, so the effort my wife made to help others with her tips book sprang into this program.
Simply-Balanced Health & Life is an understandable health program laid out in a simple and organized way to balance the huge amount of information. Listed below is each book in the program with a summary of what it covers.
We hope you enjoy and gain insight into your health!
Brian and Ruth-Ellen
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