Wellness Bakeries


Enjoy 100+ Fat-Burning Recipes
Inside Carb Lover’s Keto –
A $25 Value – Absolutely Free!

Kelly Herring.

A Special Report from
Kelley Herring, M.S, M.B.A
Author & Nutritional Biochemist
Founder, Healing Gourmet

What if you could enjoy ALL your favorite comfort foods – without concern for your health or your waistline?

In fact, what if these so-called “Cheat Foods” could actually help you… burn fat around the clock!

Well, I have GREAT news, because not only is it possible…

You won’t believe how EASY it is!

I’ll tell you everything in a moment… but first, please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Kelley Herring…

I’m the founder of Healing Gourmet and author of more than a dozen best-selling books and nutritional programs – including Keto Breads & Keto Desserts.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve helped over a million people discover how to use foods and nutrients to achieve their optimal weight… promote health… and protect against disease.

Today, I want to share with you the #1 Secret to Success on the Ketogenic Diet

And that’s not all, because…

Copies of My Brand-New Cookbook
CARB LOVER’S KETO And I’d Like to Send
You a Copy in the Mail – Absolutely FREE!

Carb Lovers Keto - Free Book.

This is a PHYSICAL book – and your copy is ready to ship right now.

There’s no obligation… no strings… and no catch.

All You Have to Do is Click the Bright Orange
 at the Bottom
of this Page And Tell Us Where to Send It!

In just a moment, I’ll tell you why we’re giving away a full-color physical cookbook – valued at more than $25 – absolutely FREE!

But before we get to that…

Let’s talk about the ketogenic diet.

Keto is the world’s hottest health and diet trend for good reason… because it works!

Over the years, I’ve received hundreds of emails, letters, messages and calls from people who’ve had success on keto!

We’ve heard from people who have:

  • Lost 50 – 100 pounds of fat…
  • Reversed serious chronic diseases
  • Enjoyed more energy & mental clarity than they have in decades!

We’ve even heard stories from people who suffered YEARS of:

Back Pain.

Back Pain
Joint Pain.

Joint Pain
Migraine Headaches.

Migraine Headaches

Only for these symptoms to VANISH after a month on keto!

And if YOU want results like this too, please give me two minutes of your time, because…

What You Read Below Will
Make (or Break) Your Success on Keto!

One of the most profound benefits of “nutritional ketosis” is that…

Between-meal cravings nearly vanish… while fat burning goes into overdrive!

In fact, a metabolic ward study showed that when obese men followed keto (compared to other diets) – they ate less food… had fewer cravings… less hunger… and achieved 46% greater weight loss!

But for all the life-changing benefits of the ketogenic diet…

It’s NOT always easy.

In fact, for every success story… there are dozens of people who give up, without achieving the results they hoped for.

And after reading HUNDREDS of comments and reports, I can tell you…

The #1 Complaint About Keto
“Why Most People Never Experience the Life-
Changing Benefits of Nutritional Ketosis”

I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard something similar to the words below…

“I love the results I see on keto, but I REALLY miss my favorite foods.”

Favorite Food.This is by far the most common reason why people quit!

And it usually goes something like this…

You give up your favorite high-carb comfort foods. You follow the rules. You may even achieve the metabolic Nirvana of ketosis!

And then… you give into temptation.

Maybe it’s at a restaurant… a party… or momentary weakness at the grocery store.

All it takes is one or two poor dietary decisions to “kick you out of ketosis” and add five pounds back to the scale. This leads most people to discouragement… and right back to their old ways of eating.

And if this has ever happened to you, I want you to know…

It is NOT your willpower that’s to blame.

If You Feel Unshakeable & Insatiable Cravings For Your Favorite “Comfort Foods”


The first reason you’re drawn to comfort foods is biochemical.

You see, most of these foods have one thing in common

They’re LOADED with carbs that rapidly convert to society’s most addictive drug – SUGAR!

But our obsession with comfort foods goes beyond carb-laden satisfaction.

Comfort Food.

Inside Your Heart & Brain is a Magnetic Pull Toward Certain Foods STRONGER than any Biochemical Addiction!

The definition of “comfort foods” are those that provide a nostalgic or sentimental feeling.

You have deep emotional ties to these foods because they connect you to your past.

In fact, the word “nostalgia” originates from two Greek words:

Nostos (νόστος)
Meaning: homecoming

Algos (λγος)
Meaning: ache/suffering

Nostalgia is a kind of homesickness or longing for the past.

These feelings are often associated with the security of childhood… the safe and familiar places you used to know and love… the precious people who have come and gone in your life… and the fleeting moments of beloved times gone by.

Our deepest human desires are to feel loved and comforted.

And research clearly shows that…

Familiar Flavors & Aromas are the Most Powerful Remedy
to Cure Your “Yearnings For Yesterday”…

Have you ever experienced the profound emotional power of a familiar smell?

I’m talking about one breath of air that recalls a flood of memories from decades ago – bringing mental pictures into sharp focus.

We’ve all had experiences like this.

Taste and smell are your strongest memory generators.


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